Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Adding total pages in MS Word Footer

You’d think that adding Page X of Y would be easy in the latest version of MS Word [Version 2308 Build 16.0.16731.20182], but the old functionality has moved to Never Never land! No wait – that would mean I know where it is 😮

Word help tells you to insert the page then scroll to the Page X of Y et voila! Here is the useless Microsoft ‘help’ link

But they’re wrong – the simple way doesn’t exist with an straightforward install of Word 365.

I couldn’t even type in {numpages}

So after too much Googling I realized I could probably find the field command in Word…

First select the location you want the total pages to be placed. I chose the footer, right next to the Page number:

Please note that I manually typed in the space after the ‘2’ and i typed the word ‘of’ and added a space.

Then LEAVE your cursor to the right of the space after ‘of’.

Next, go to that ever present, un-hideable search bar and type ‘field’, then hope that you see Insert a Field.

Select Insert a field.

The window below pops up. Select NumPages, and then click OK

The result gives you what you want, a simple Page X of Y format:

Reference that helped me figure this out:



John • 2023-09-28

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