Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Word Functions I sometimes use

Cross – references https://cybertext.wordpress.com/2014/08/08/word-assigning-automated-cross-references/ Auto replace text https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Choose-AutoCorrect-options-for-capitalization-spelling-and-symbols-e7433b94-f3de-4532-9dc8-b29063a96e1f Remove watermark https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Remove-a-watermark-636cc588-489d-46c4-a03f-07f3f4820029

WiFi to Ethernet Bridging

We just moved to a new home and my network is splintered again; however, I donated my semi-reliable DAP-1522 during our last move so I needed another solution. Before I explain how I bridge, I’ll explain why I want to bridge my WiFi to an ethernet switch…   I have a few computers that I…

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Solidworks Commands

Background change: SOLIDWORKS: How To Change Your Background Appearance OR https://forum.solidworks.com/thread/89072

Raspberry Pi 3 Setup – WiFi using command line

Steps I used to set up my Raspberry Pi 3 To flash OS: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/windows.md Follow directions without modifications NOTE: Raspberry Pi devices typically do NOT come with an SD card! Command Line WiFi I tried to do this: https://www.maker.io/en/blogs/raspberry-pi-3-how-to-configure-wi-fi-and-bluetooth/03fcd2a252914350938d8c5471cf3b63 Which is simply typing this command sudo iwlist wlan0 scan BUT I have too many WiFi…

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Python Commands

System version: Import sys sys.version_info Modules installed help(“modules”) ipython version: import IPython IPython.__version__   CygWin Local Drive change: cd /cygdrive/d OR cd d:/ Source: http://magicmonster.com/kb/app/cygwin/change_drive.html  

Links for Outlook Task management using OneNote

http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/turn-outlook-project-management-tool-onenote-integration/ https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-Outlook-tasks-in-OneNote-19725ff3-0234-495d-9838-fb1f511e924f  

MS Project

Stop the manual scheduling – it is frustrating when it happens and simple to fix, just follow the arrow at the lower left corner and click – it’ll pop up a selection option:    


Excel Functions I sometimes use

Ever create a spreadsheet where numbers need to be converted to names to identify something? I do, but not often enough so I’m putting the links here so I can use this to quickly recall how I’ve converted it to names, versions, etc.. Convert numbers to text using ‘TEXT’ function https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2014/10/10/excel-convert-number-text/ Concatenate https://support.office.com/en-us/article/CONCATENATE-function-8f8ae884-2ca8-4f7a-b093-75d702bea31d Count cells…

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Moving my iOS backups to an external drive…

First copy them over by going here on windows: To Find backups in Windows 7, 8, or 10 To find a list of your backups, go to \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\AppleĀ Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ Or you can use these steps: Find the Search bar: In Windows 7, click Start. In Windows 8, click the magnifying glass in the upper-right corner. In…

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Great Google Script Links

Sometimes I come across some useful scripts and links… this time I came across a post of useful Google scripts that I want to try out one day… My favorite one so far takes my google contacts and maps them on google maps! NOTE: I have not verified the security of this or any other…

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