Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

Add Complied program to Linux SD card

Reference Document Title: Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for EVK-MCIMX7ULP Document Number: MCUXSDKIMX7ULPGSUGUser’s Guide Rev. 2, 26 May 2020 Compile program Use IAR for windows based on above document Install MinGW-32 Based on above document. But no clear installation instructions out there, I found this one from 2018: Ensure you have the following in your…

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Win 10 unresponsive until ctrl+alt+del then ‘esc’

Was having this issue and found a (hopeful) solution using these commands: This is the reddit post that google sent me to:

Electronics Screwdriver & Bit Kit

I’ve been looking for a decent all-in-one bit kit to work on electronics for tear downs, debug, etc and I finally found one at a price that was low enough for me to purchase. Normally I simply use my toolbox set of screwdrivers, hex keys, and misc bit kits that I have for working on…

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Oracle VM setup on Win10

Install Virtual Box Installing VB 6.2.14r140239 on windows 10 was a piece of cake. I simply grabbed the file from here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Installing Ubuntu LTS Grab the file from here: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop Optimizations Display https://www.nakivo.com/blog/make-virtualbox-full-screen/ Copy / Paste –NOT VERIFIED– https://www.howtogeek.com/187535/how-to-copy-and-paste-between-a-virtualbox-host-machine-and-a-guest-machine/

Make 7-Zip default on Windows 10

What I did: Open 7-Zip as Admin Tools -> Options Select Extensions to associate with app, then hit apply: Where I learned it: https://superuser.com/questions/997170/windows-10-changing-zip-file-association/997204#:~:text=Open%20the%207-Zip%20File,OK%20to%20save%20your%20changes

Fiche Links

R1150GS: https://shop.maxbmw.com/fiche/DiagramsMain.aspx?vid=51759&vin=ZL20012 R1200GSA: https://shop.maxbmw.com/fiche/DiagramsMain.aspx?vid=52024&vin=ZX65231

Change Permissions on Win10 HDD

Link for basis on how I changed permissions to access files from the SSD of my dead laptop: https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/take-ownership-folder-windows-10-using-file-explorer It isn’t exactly clear and there are some extra steps that I didn’t need to follow.

Using Taranis X9D Plus with DRL Simulator

Initial Setup Install Steam Buy and install DRL Simulator on Steam Setup X9D+ Controller Reset & Restart Buttons so you can calibrate the controller using this FAQ: https://drlracingsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/234966047-How-do-I-configure-the-Restart-and-Reset-switches-on-my-Taranis- Sidenote Attempted to run on PC and it worked once, now it isn’t working – apparently windows has some issues at times. I will debug this another…

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iMovie Vertical

The skinny: Tap the video in the bottom section of the screen Pinch the video on the top of the screen to make the full screen appear Rotate it right export it Open it in Quick time Rotate it left Share (save) to file and you have a video without side bars! I learned it…

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Transfer GPX from to Garmin using iPhone

Goal: I’ve recently had some time on my hands so I’ve been familiarizing myself with how to more easily use my electronics while on the road. I have the Garmin 396 LMT-s and I wanted to transfer the .GPX file that my buddy text me to the device. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that…

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