Outdoor Technologist

Random thoughts spewed in the digital realm

LG Washer Repair

Buying used, be prepared to repair! (especially when the seller tells you the problem!) The deal was too good to pass up so I bought an LG set that included Washer WM8000HWA & Dryer DLGX8001W How do I know the bearing is shot? Because it sounds like this: I couldn’t decide if I should use…

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Smoke & CO Alarms in California

In my search to add wired smoke and smoke/CO alarms I found a 10 year battery requirement, yet Home Depot was selling a 4 pack of Kidde Smoke alarms and a single Kidde Smoke/CO Combo Detector that did not have a 10 year battery. This confused me so I started searching to make sure I…

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Home IRA Rebate Links

Most detailed link: https://www.rewiringamerica.org/app/ira-calculator Good overview of rebates: https://www.energy.gov/policy/articles/making-our-homes-more-efficient-clean-energy-tax-credits-consumers

Stoves I don’t like

My new old house has a stove that isn’t great, so I’ve been slowly perusing the cheap and freebies for things I like. This is a list of Gas Ranges I was interested in, but didn’t pursue for various reasons: Maytag Gemini MGR6875ADW Links: https://www.ajmadison.com/cgi-bin/ajmadison/MGR6875ADW.html https://www.maytag.com/kitchen/wall-ovens/double-oven/p.gemini-30-double-oven-freestanding-gas-range.mgr6875adw.html The slow, low priority search continues

PiHole Setup Steps

Setup Raspian Lite: https://blog.cryptoaustralia.org.au/instructions-for-setting-up-pi-hole/T To test the local IP https://blog.cryptoaustralia.org.au/instructions-for-setting-up-pi-hole/ Setup HostName: https://geek-university.com/raspberry-pi/change-raspberry-pis-hostname/ Start SSH: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/ Install PiHole: curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash From: https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/basic-install/ Save the SD card and use log2ram: https://github.com/azlux/log2ramReboot after installation!